









Security Solutions - High Risk Segments

point Banks

The need for Banks, both Public and Private Sector to have security is to protect employees and customers from Fire and Burglary and to prevent intruders from attacking the public's savings that are entrusted to the banks.

point Security Needs (by area)





Branch Offices

- Entry / Exit
- Safety Vaults
- Cashier
- Cash Transaction
- Bank Managers Office



- Entry / Exit
- Indoor Surveillance




Branch Offices

- Front Office Desks
- Back Office Area
- Public Movement Area



point Security Needs (by products)

Branch Offices

point Door Frame Metal Detectors

point Fire Alarms

point Fire Detectors

point Fire Extinguishers

point Intrusion Control

point Access Control

point Magnetic Door Sensors

point Motion Sensors

point Video Surveillance

point Access Data Systems

point Biometrics System

point Bomb / Explosive detector





point Fire Alarm

point Fire Extinguishers

point Video Surveillance